




  • 姓名,年龄,籍贯,本科学校及专业

  • 绩点+高分课程

  • 技能点:

    • 编程语言及框架方面:C/C++, Java, Spring等等
    • 平台:Linux
    • web方面:爬虫等
    • 算法方面:深度、广度优先,递归回溯建枝,动态规划,贪心等常见的几类算法;遗传、粒子群、模拟退火、常用的数学建模算法、OpenCV图像处理等算法。
  • 项目、竞赛、论文方面:

    • 项目1:xxxx


  • 社团工作方面:

    • 担任什么
  • 自我评价:



  • 未来展望:







 在竞赛方面,我积极参加各类竞赛并获得许多奖项,比如在计算机设计大赛获得国家一等奖,在挑战杯“黑科技”专项赛获得国家一等奖,在美赛数学建模大赛中获得Meritorious 等等。我从中学到了许多计算机方面知识。我擅长C/C++,以及Linux系统上进行项目的开发。我对使用Linux有丰富的经验,我在云服务器上部署了我的个人博客。此外,我还擅长使用Python脚本,网络爬虫和网络API接口调用。在我参加数学建模期间,我常用Matlab来验证我们的模型。我还了解过其他的一些编程语言,如前端三件套,Java,lisp函数式编程等等。我觉得我的学习领域是比较广泛的。






  • “What can you tell me about yourself?” (“关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?”)

    I love learning and have a strong learning ability, I am interested in many fields of knowledge, that’s why I learn knowledge very fast. I think this is my greatest strength. For a field that I don’t like, it may be difficult for me to accept and learn knowledge in this field. This is also my biggest weakness, but I often try my best to overcome this weakness.

  • “What is your greatest strength”?" (“你最突出的优点是什么?”)

    I love learning and have a strong learning ability, I am interested in many fields of knowledge, that’s why I learn knowledge very fast. I think this is my greatest strength.

  • “What is your greatest weakness?”(“你最大的弱点是什么?”)

    For a field that I don’t like, it may be difficult for me to accept and learn knowledge in this field. This is also my biggest weakness, but I often overcome this weakness.

  • “What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?”(“毕业5年后你的计划”)

    I want to get a Ph.D. After that, I will stay in the university to become a teacher, I hope to be able to achieve academically and pass on my knowledge to students.

  • ”How do you feel about your progress to date?“(“对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?”)

    I think it is due to the support of my parents, the help of my teachers and the efforts of myself. My achievements are negligible, and I will continue to work hard during my postgraduate.

  • ”What has been your greatest accomplishment?“(”你目前取得最大的成就是什么?“)

    I’ve been close to postgraduate recommendation twice, but failed. After that, I didn’t choose to give up, and I still insisted on taking the postgraduate entrance examination. I think it’s probably my greatest achievement and the one thing I do that gives me the most satisfaction.

  • ”What are some of the things you find difficult to do?"(“对你来说困难的事有哪些?”)

    I think the hardest thing for me is forcing me to study a field I don’t like, but I will try my best to overcome it, such as setting learning goals and so on.

  • ”Describe your best friend and what he or she does for a living.”(“描述你最好的朋友和他是如何生活的。”)

    My best friend is very friendly and he has qualified for postgraduate recommendation. Therefore, he is the most comfortable person in our dormitory. But he often helps us when we are busy, and I really appreciate him very much.

  • ”What is the worst thing you have heard about our university?”(“关于我们学校你听过最糟糕的事是什么?”)

    I don’t know these things. But I think we shouldn’t talk about things on the Internet that we don’t know. Everyone is responsible for what they say on the Internet.

  • ”In what ways are you similar or different from your best friend?"(“在哪些方面你与你最好的朋友有什么相同或不同?”)

    We are all very willing to help others when they need it, so we are very popular with our classmates. This is I am similar from him. I can’t think of any difference between us, maybe he’s going to Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications to study for his postgraduate.

  • ”Are you a happy person?"(“你是一个快乐的人吗?”)

    Of course, I often feel happy because I’m a pretty optimistic person. I love watching talk shows, it makes me happy.

  • ”If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?"(“如果这次你失败了,在不久的将来你会怎样做?”)

    I am not afraid of failure, I am afraid that I do not have the courage to challenge again, if I fail this time, maybe I will try my best to push me to challenge again.

  • ”What kinds of opportunities are you looking for?"(“你正在寻找什么样的机会?”)

    I am looking for an opportunity to enter South East University for my postgraduate. I hope to achieve academically at South East University. After that, I want to study for a PHD. Because I want to stay in university to become a teacher.

  • ”Say a little about your educational background."("介绍一点你的教育背景。“)

    My primary school is in Guangzhou, my middle school is in Hunan, and now, I am majoring in Electronic Science and Technology at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

  • ”What do you do in your spare time?”(“你在你的空闲时间都做什么?”)

    I often study in my spare time to improve my own ability. Additionally, I also like playing games and table tennis, these are my hobbies.

  • ”What is your impression of Nanjing? (“你对南京的印象如何?”)

    Nanjing has a long history. After many years, it still stands tall in the long river of history. It’s beautiful, magical, and spectacular. I like Nanjing very much.

  • describe your character/What kind of person do you think you are?(“描述你的性格”)

    I’ve been close to postgraduate recommendation twice, but failed. After that, I didn’t choose to give up, and I still insisted on taking the postgraduate entrance examination. I think I am an optimistic person. In my life, I often help others when they need help. I think I am friendly.


关键词:graduation project

 My graduation project is xxxxx. The whole system is divided into three layers, the upper layer is xxxx the middle is xxxx, and the bottom layer is xxxx. My task is to design xxxx and verify them on a platform. I am currently studying the existing papers.


问题:What do you think of your major?

 My major covers many fields of knowledge, including electronics, materials, electromagnetic waves, optics, and more. Therefore, it is more difficult for most students.


问题:What do you think of the cyber security major?

 For the network security major, I have two views. First, I think it’s fun, which is the first reason why I choose this major. Second, I think data is very important in the Internet age, and it becomes very important to protect or mine data. Therefore, the network security major is a very important major.


问题:Why choose our major/cyber security major?

 There are three reasons. First, I like this major. Second, I think data is very important in the Internet age, whether for individuals or collectives. Both protecting data and mining data have become so important. These two points are also my views on the cyber security major. Third, I studied a wide range of fields during my undergraduate studies. I think that if I want to do a good job in cyber security, I should have a wide range of study fields.


问题:Why love/like cyber security

 I like cyber security first because of a movie called “Who Am I, No Safe System”, I want to be a hacker, maybe it is naive, but it really planted a seed in my heart . Then the seed grew slowly later, so I chose to major in cyber security.


问题:how is your hometown

 In fact, there is nothing special about my hometown, but for me, what makes it special is my hometown. In my hometown, my pace of life is slow, which allows me to calm down and think about many issues. Every year when I go home for the new year, I always like to slow down my pace of life and enjoy a pleasant time.


I’m very sorry. Ashamed to say, I don’t know how to answer this question. May I tell you why I chose the major of cyber security? Maybe my answer doesn’t seem to pass the Turing test!


  • 反爬虫




  • 网络API


    我常查看文档来编写,比如之前的ChatGPT qq聊天机器人

  • Linux系统

    Linux软硬链接区别:软链接只会指向源文件,硬链接是一个实体文件,但是和源文件是同一个文件,类似于C++中的共享指针一样。ln -s link src(软) ln link src(硬)





    通配符:*?[a-z] 表示任意的所有字符和任意的一个字符和方括号中的一个字符




    网络:netstat ping ifconfig netsh



 Hello, professors, my name isxxx. I majored in xxxxx. I am very happy to participate in this interview.

 During my undergraduate, I worked hard at school and achieved excellent results. My GPA is xxx, ranking xxx out of xxx in our major. The grade point of many courses such as advanced mathematics, C language, Java, data structure and algorithm is around xxx.

 I have actively participated in competitions and won many awards, such as the First Prize in the computer contest, the M Prize in the Mathematical Contest In Modeling and so on. I am skilled in C/C++ and Linux systems. I deploy my blog on a cloud serve. Additionally, I am good at Python and web API calls. I often used Matlab to verify our models in mathematical modeling.

 In addition to studying, I serve as a lecturer and vice-chairman of the computer department in Association for Science and Technology. I managed the lab, and represent the club at meetings led by teachers.

 In the first year of postgraduate, I will continue to study hard and expand my knowledge about cyber security, I will determine the research direction and follow the frontier trends. In the second year, I will start to prepare my graduation thesis, find an innovative point and conduct in-depth research. Finally, I will make excellent results and complete my graduation thesis. If possible, I would choose to study for a Ph.D.

 Thank you for listening!